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Tag Archives: Academic Readiness


Simple Ways Parents Can Avoid Burnout

Being a parent is one of the greatest roles that any person ever has to fulfill in this lifetime. It is equally exciting and daunting for first-time parents. In reality, no one is ever too prepared for it. Nevertheless, soon-to-be parents must keep t...

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The Long-Term Benefits of Early Childhood Education

The field of child care in Austin, Texas, is gaining recognition for its integral role in shaping a child’s early years. Providing more than just primary care, these educational institutions lay the groundwork for cognitive and socio-...

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Provide Support for Your Child’s First Day of School

Is your child’s first day in preschool or kindergarten getting near? You should check on them, as they might be anxious or unready for their first day of school. Parents should be there for their children during their educational milestones.  How ...

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