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Provide Support for Your Child’s First Day of School

Is your child’s first day in preschool or kindergarten getting near? You should check on them, as they might be anxious or unready for their first day of school. Parents should be there for their children during their educational milestones.  How ...

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Does Enrolling in Pre-K Make a Significant Difference?

As a parent, the right choices for your child’s early education can set the stage for their future success. Deciding to enroll your little one in Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) is pivotal. However, some often question the extent of its impact.  Is i...

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Preparing Your Child for Their First Day in Preschool

The big day is approaching—your little one’s first day of preschool! It’s a milestone filled with excitement, wonder, and maybe a hint of nervousness. As you embark on this journey, we at Bright Beginnings share some insightful tips t...

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